20 October 2020

Approximately 1 in 2 of us will get cancer at some time in our lives and when diagnosed it is a struggle to know how to combine the orthodox chemotherapy with more natural approaches. It is not necessarily an ‘either or’ choice as many good remedies improve the effect and reduce the side-effects of mainstream chemotherapy drugs.

Cancer cells need to be killed as they don’t revert to healthy cells – but how do we do it is the question? Different cancers respond to different treatments – be it chemotherapy or natural.

The Research Genetic Cancer Centre in Greece have developed tests for natural remedies and chemotherapy drugs using a patient’s blood sample which contains their specific cancer calls. So, they can compose the likely efficacy of a wide range of treatment options for the individual. Bearing in mind that every person is different, and every cancer is different this is a highly interesting and promising approach to treatment.

The best evidence we have seen exists for Vitamin C in high doses, with over 20,000 studies published and more on-going. Certain chemotherapy drugs work better alongside Vitamin C – with more effectiveness and less toxicity.

More recently, Curcumin has been showing positive signs of inhibiting cancer cell growth. There is a stumbling block regarding its absorption, but product developments are overcoming this.

Another little known but promising nutrient – Indole-3-carbinol – is contained in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage and cauliflower. It is a natural oestrogen detoxifier and has clear anti-cancer effects including switching off cancer promoting genes. The main approach of naturopathic treatments has been the use of these foods as vegetable juices (Breuss). The very common ‘hormonal’ cancers of the breast and prostrate have been linked to excess circulating oestrogens and insulin – caused by sugar, dairy foods and meat as well as body fat which makes oestrogens. All this adds logic to a mainly vegan diet, high in organic vegetables and low-sugar fruits.

Other natural chemotherapy agents include herbs like Cat’s Claw, Wormwood, Essiac (or Flor Essence) and Resveratrol.

Also, Alkalizing diets and polyphenol-rich foods like quercetin in red onions and berries are shown to reduce tumour growth.


